Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Doubt Night Recap

I know a lot of friends were praying for Doubt Night last Friday, so I figured I should probably post a short recap of how the night went and thank you all for your prayers.

I had two primary objectives for the evening. First off was to represent Christ well. We really had no idea what to expect as far as the attitudes of the students we would be talking to, and it was my hope that we would respond with grace no matter how we were approached or what questions were asked. As it turned out, there wasn't anyone there that was antagonistic or out to make us look bad, so that was no problem.

The second objective was to share the gospel clearly. I wanted us to do our best to answer whatever questions were presented, but in all of that I wanted to make sure we didn't miss an opportunity to talk about what matters most. That also went well, as we had several questions that involved good works and led into a clear explanation of the gospel and it being solely by grace, not something we could ever earn or deserve.

Throughout the course of the evening there were probably 25 students that were present, although some filtered in and out. I'd say about 15 were there during the entire time. Some of those had some very sincere questions and I think we were able to be at least a little bit helpful for them. We had brought along 24 copies of both The Case for Christ and The Case For a Creator, and gave away over half of the books. They have a lot of great information, hopefully they will be beneficial to those that took them.

It was a great time for me personally and was also a learning experience. It was very interesting to prepare for a list of topics you are expecting and then not see a single one of those issues raised. There were no questions related to science or evolution, while a lot centered around the Bible, its trustworthiness and the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

The time went by very quickly and next time I think I'd like to try and keep the answers shorter so more questions can be addressed. We're working on follow up with those who were there, please pray that God will continue to work in the lives of these students and thanks for all the prayers for the event itself, their help was very evident!

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