Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Forever Amazed

I'm slowly getting back in to the swing of things after my trip out of the country, but it does seem like a fog that is very slow in lifting. The past few nights I've been asleep by 9:30 and yet as I type this I could lay down and take a two hour nap.

I've got a text file on my laptop of various thoughts from my trip that I intend to share in short doses. But before I start on that, I had a minor incident the day after I got home that has once again left me in awe.

Our dryer was making a horrific noise back in early December, something akin to the shrieks of Grendel in the "animated" Beowulf movie. I had really hoped to have it fixed before leaving for Turkey, but the part took forever to get here and finally arrived while I was gone.

It was a simple part, just a piece of felt with some plastic components that attached to the frame above the door via some heat resistant glue. Once it was applied, I wanted to spin the dryer drum and see if the noise had been exorcised. In the process, I managed to slice open two of the knuckles on my right hand as they rubbed across the back metal edge of the dryer.

The two flaps of skin were just hanging there, as I walked back upstairs in frustration to see the resident doctor. The bleeding wouldn't stop until I'd kept my hand above my head for a while, but eventually we slapped some triple antibiotic ointment in there and secured the wandering skin with bandaids and gauze.

Only later that night did I seriously consider getting stitches, but the ER told us that by then it was too late. Right now I'm done with gauze and am just using bandaids to help restrain movement so I don't rip the wound back open. I'm hoping to have complete use of my right hand in a few more days.

Anyway, I know I can make a short story long, but how it happened isn't really the point. What's so amazing to me is watching my fingers heal. A constant recurring theme in my life has been a never ending fascination with how incredible the human body is. What an incredible creation! Given some time and the right conditions, my hand will be fully functional soon. Nothing man has made or ever will (if I may be so bold) will begin to compare with you and me.

It's this awesome tent that I live in that leaves me unable to understand the person who claims we exist as a byproduct of random chance. Your every waking moment is wonder after wonder! How muscles respond instantly. How the eye, in all its complexity, takes in every detail. How the ears can receive sound and the brain can assign meaning to it all. How an apple can be converted into energy. It's nothing short of breath taking, if only we would stop and consider it.

One may disagree with the identity of the Creator, but to say there isn't one is simply beyond me. I don't have the kind of faith it takes to overcome the evidence that surrounds me every day.


Anonymous said...

I can envision your skin flapping all over the place. But once again, your words slow down my hurried pace and help me refocus. I'll be back.

Dusty said...

While you were "open," did you consider inserting any adamantium claws? You could be like a slow-motion Wolverine who takes a few days or weeks to heal between snikts.